Tuesday 7 April 2015

How Urbanization has Culturally and Historically Affected Housing in Port Of Spain.

Urbanisation is the movement of persons from rural to urban areas. The City of Port of Spain and environs can be considered the most densely populated comprising of 10% of the country’s total land area while accommodating 45% of the total population (Mycoo ). This creates a major problem within this developing country where there is a vast economic divide between the rich in society and the poor. 

Urbanization has changed historical aspects of housing within Port of Spain this can be seen in a comparison between past and the present urban models model. Within the Burgess or Concentric model the city could be seen as radial bands moving away from the central business district (CBD) and extending to the recidential which was placed at the outermost regions. This simple model came into great critisism as it did not take into consideration landforms such as hills. 

The city of Port of Spain however falls into the past Burgess model but in fact can be compared to that of Hoyte's which is an improvement on the concentric model of Burgess. Within this model the most desirable land for housing is used by the upper class within society. These are areas which receive fresh breeze, is located at a close distance to the CBD, contains parks, various outdoor amenities and are located in safe areas crime less areas. These lands are very expensive an can only be accessed by a small majority of the population. The lower class in society are opposite to this they are located in bad lands such as on hills, has little to no outdoor amenities, and are highly polluted areas. 

Image result for hoyt model
Diagram of Hoyt Urban Model 

Within the city the more affluent and middle classes live within the west whereas the middle-middle and lower-middle classes live in the east this is because much of the city's crime is found in the east while much of the best land within a city is found in the west (Mycoo 2006). Forming gated communities such as One Woodbook as illustrated in the photograph below. This is in comparison with Luiz and Lara 2011 which used Brazil as an example of how upper class persons are moving towards gated communities in developing countries.

Photograph showing the gated community of One Woodbrook
As urbanization has increased in Port of Spain the greatness in the economic divide which can easily be seen looking at housing or where persons call home is increasingly evident. Housing settlements such as Beetham Gardens and Sealots which is located metres away from a landfill is become more and more deplorable. As photograh shows the deplorable conditions in which persons in Sealots endure, little to no utilities, poor structural houses and little to no road linking these areas.  Places such as laventile is quickly becoming more and more densely populated as in comparison to the gated communities of One Woodbrook.

Photograph 3 showing the deplorable conditions which persons in Sea lots call home.
The last aspect of housing that is  caused by urbanization is that of vagrants this is a major problem within the city and highlights the lack of available housing within the city. Leading to persons to find alternative housing in parks, squares and along the sidewalks of Port of Spain. This causes an additional problem to city such as pollution uncleanliness and crime. This is illustrated within photograph 2 where a homeless man is seen asleep within the city.

Photograph 2 showing homelessness within Port of Spain
Quashie 2015

Housing can be used to describe a way of  life within a city as it gives a direct indication of the cultural aspect. Culture as we know it is a way of life and housing directly affects this way affecting the standard of life in which persons obtain. According to Article 25 of the Declaration of Human Right which states that everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well being of himself and of his family. 

The historical aspect of housing has changed due to urbanization slowly the olden Victorian type houses are being removed and in there place new more modern houses are being built. This is seen in Victoria square where only a few remnants of these type of houses remain through the process of Gentrification where much of these houses have been removed.

1. Mycoo, Michelle 2006, "The retreat of the upper and middle classes to gated communities in the post structural adjustment era: the case of Trinidad" Environment and Planning A 2006, volume 38, pages 131-148

2.  Lara Luiz Fernando 2011. New (Sub)Urbanism and Old Inequalities in Brazilian Gated Communities, Journal of Urban Design, 16:03, 369-380

3. International Council on Human Rights.  Article 25- Universal Declaration of Human Rights Accessed on 5th April 2015 

1 comment:

  1. This post was very informative about the housing sector of Port-of-Spain! We love the historical facts as well as the cultural ones!
    Great pictures!

    Celine and Kristen :)
