Thursday 9 April 2015

How Urbanization has Culturally and Historically Affected Architecture in Port Of Spain.

Urbanization has a direct relationship with that of Architecture affecting the said same both positively and negatively. In this post we would like to look at how this new influx of persons have affected the cultural and historical aspects of the city.

Trinidad's early nineteenth century Architecture was typical of the Neo- Classical style popular under British colonial rule. Much of the major landmarks found within the city such as Magnificent 7, St James Barracks, Port of Spain General Hospital, Anglican Holy Trinity Cathedral and the Roman Catholic Cathedral are all remnants of the colonial past (CCTT 2010)

Within the city of Port of Spain in the past  middle class houses comprised of Victorian styled architecture. This is evident with the wooden fretwork, steep pitched gables crowned by finials (Osmond 1991)  as evident in picture 1 below. The architecture of the shops located along the major streets all had large verandas which outstretched onto the sidewalk along the whole length of the street.
Photograph showing an old Victorian House
Quashie 2015
In modern times due to the effect of urbanization on land space availability many of these buildings that were once used has been broken down, removed and replaced by more modern structures. This results in a permanent loss of culture and history as these buildings hold stories of our past. A great example is seen in the streets of Port of Spain where all of the veranda styled buildings have been removed replaced by larger glass walled stores, shopping plaza's and commercial spaces.

On the contrary urbanization can has also have a positive impact on the cultural and historical architecture within the city through the process of renovation. Much of these buildings have aged with the passing of time by renovation the history of the building is not just preserved but can be made too last longer with modern and up to date design. Urbanization allows for more persons to enter the city these persons who would visit these sites and get to know there importance. Some examples of cultural and historical cites which have been renovated include the Red House, Anglican Holy Trinity Cathedral and the Old Police Station

1. Citizens for Conservation Trinidad and Tobago 2010. " Built Heritage" Accessed on April 8th 2015

2. Osmond, Linda 1991. " Victorian House Style: An architecture and Interial Design Book".

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